ADHD means Awesome Day, Happy Day!


(and i know it is hard and tempting, but drugs are no quick fix,
and they can actually be dangerous)

We had spanking, yelling, arguing, defiance, disruption, lying, whining to go to naughty
spot or to bed, talking back, fidgiting, accidently hurting people alot(stepping on toes, poking, ), not playing right with books,toys at school, did I miss something?

We now have a peaceful home!

Checklist of  8 Things to do:

YOU: are you behaving your absolute best?
Definately get YOUR behaviour down pat...

1.Tone down when you discipline-discipline without anger as much as possible
   a.They will lie less often because-they are not afraid of consequences so much-
   b.quiet time in a naughty spot(I make em count to 20, then 30 and so on..)
   c.Follow through! And make it realistic..EXAMPLE: if you say put your
      seatbelt on now or I will take your tv forever...that isnt realistic...and
      if you say you will take it for the nite..MAKE SURE YOU DO IT...they will
      quickly learn that you mean business...
   d.try and keep your face helps you actually stay calmer...

2.SPENDING ENOUGH TIME WITH THE KIDDO? Go for walks, biking, talks/singing on
   the porch,family dance parties, whip cream fights in the yard, make INTENTIONAL MEMORIES,
   make sure you give each child time alone with you from time to is different having the baby
   home in the living room while you spend time with the older one...rather than leaving the baby
   home with daddy while you go for a walk with the older one...they like that special quality time ...
   they have you to themselves..

3.Do creative things from time to time with them:
   family handprints, picture collages, get messy outside, check out youtube
   videos of cool animals or cool stuff

4.Family Game Nite: board game nite, card game nite, puzzle nite, etc...

5.Talk to your child about God/Creator: what I do is tell them that the Creator
   loves us very much and wants us to do well; we are here to learn how to love...
   we need to take care of each other and be a goal is once per week,
   having a weekly Life thy neighbor as you would love thyself...
   I like the idea of pulling something(saying,lesson) out of a little library of spiritual
   books, bible, upanishads, whatever...books from around the world...

6. Make a prayer to God/Creator saying thanks for your day...for bedtime

7. Show your child how to be a hero! Give them the drive to be one on their own!
   Go do something in the community once/week,once/month, or the like...go visit
   old folks at the homes...collect food from the neighbors, for the
   neighbors...make something up!

8. And make sure your family is Eating/exercising healthy
    *Vitamins promote good growth(you n kiddos)

9. Also, if you are homeschooling, you need to make sure you have enough socializing for your child!

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Video of me & my Boy singing!